Bright and Cheery Arrangement Kansas City Lee's Summit Florist

Seasonal Arrangements


    Known for our colorful, lush and garden-inspired designs, our flowers are the perfect birthday gift, way to cheer up a friend, or any special occasion. We can guarantee your flowers will be fresh and inventive.

    With a focus on American-grown blooms, our designs vary due to flower seasonality. From our signature Bel Fiore Farm-grown tulips in April, to Dahlias in September, we strive to bring you the highest quality, sourced as-locally-as-possible blooms.  No two arrangements we create are exactly alike. Each order is thoughtfully designed and truly a piece of art.

    Have a special request? Please send us a message at or reach out to us at 816-200-0295.

    Available for Free In-store Pickup or Delivery. Delivery is a $12 flat fee within 20 miles of our store front. Enter your zip code at checkout to see eligibility. 

    As a Kansas City Florist, we proudly serve Lee's Summit, Greenwood, Lake Lotawana, Blue Springs, Raytown, Raymore, Belton, Leawood, Overland Park, Prairie Village and more.

    Ordering for a funeral and need an earlier delivery time? Please call us!

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